U.S. :+1 203 285 8140     EMEA: +353 1 254 8090 info@corvidpartners.com

Additional Services

In a changing environment new challenges are always on the horizon. At Corvid we are always looking to broaden our services to meet the needs of our clients. In addition to our evaluated pricing, we also provide a number of additional services to meet specific client needs.

Valuation Workshops

For professionals services firms such as lawyers, administrators and non-executive directors working with illiquid credit investments, Corvid provides half day and full day workshops on how we and our clients approach the analysis and valuation of illiquid and structured fixed income securities. Fixed income valuation workshops can be organised around a specific requirement or can be based on Corvid’s in-house program. For more details about our workshops call us on +353 1 254 4733 or email us at info@corvidpartners.com

Valuation Procedures and Documentation

The proper development of valuation processes along with their correct documentation is an essential part of any funds infrastructure. Corvid works with managers to create and document valuation processes. Our goal is to build processes that are both robust and consistent over extended periods and under different market conditions.

Historical Reference Valuations

Our valuation database holds pricing data on thousands of illiquid fixed income securities going back up to five years. Our historical pricing data helps our clients make more informed investment decisions and provide greater clarity to investors and regulators.

HQA identification

The analysis we carry out on all of our assets includes assessments of a range of regulatory classifying regimes. Included in this is the HQLA / HQA classification process outlined in the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) framework for a banks Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) calculation. We provide clients with analyses of relevant assets, including supporting market data for assets that may be deemed HQA.

Additional Services